Who doesn’t like to eat seafood? Of course, few people don’t like to eat seafood, but many people prefer to have seafood compared to red meats. It’s because seafood provides a number of health benefits and is tastier. Even though it provides a number of health benefits, there are few risks to eating seafood. So, today I am going to discuss with you the advantages and disadvantages of eating seafood.
Food connects to our families and the places where we were born. Each family has its own way to cook the same recipe. Everyone has their own touch and that is why we all argue our mom’s food is the best. We could also get to know the world through food. Typical dishes are so common for a reason.
There is a universe of possibilities out there. Walking around any city, you will find restaurants that have an incredible variety of dishes. Some people eat in the same restaurant every time, where is the fun in that? If you decided this is the year to be adventurous, try seafood.
People are wary of seafood. We all have heard horror stories about food poisoning. Seafood gets a bad reputation. One thing people are not telling about food poisoning is how good it is for your health. Alright, without further ado let’s see the advantages and disadvantages of eating seafood.
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Advantages and Disadvantages of Eating Seafood
All deliciousness aside, seafood has many benefits. It is an amazing option but people should be careful. People that wish to include it in their diet should choose wisely because there are some disadvantages as well.
Through this post, I am going to line up the main advantages and disadvantages of eating seafood. After reading this whole post, you will get a better idea of the benefits and side effects of eating seafood. Alright, let’s jump into the topic.
Advantages of Eating Seafood
1. Seafood is a natural source of vitamins and other nutrients. This is a healthy option with low fat and cholesterol. Seafood has very little fat and what it does have is unsaturated fat which is not harmful to your health.
Seafood like salmon, herring, sardines, canned tuna, oysters, and shrimp are very rich in vitamin D. Besides, your bones will thank you for the extra calcium provided by seafood.
Apart from vitamin D, seafood is a good source of vitamin A, vitamin B, and B-complex vitamins. These vitamins are good for your energy production, concentration, metabolism, and even beauty.
2. Most of the benefits of seafood come from the fact it is nutritious. Omega-3 is present in seafood. Basically, omega-3 plays a critical role in your body. It will improve the immune system and the health of those that suffer from allergies.
Besides, Omega-3 is good for your skin. The Omega-3 in seafood protects your skin against UV rays from the sun.
3. Forget about losing your eyesight. Thanks to the omega-3 present in seafood, the risks of developing macular degeneration are low. This condition is caused by the progressive degradation of the retina. It happens as people get older and the final result is the complete loss of eyesight. Omega-3 stops such a negative processes.

4. High in proteins and low in fat, seafood is a healthy option for people with a heart condition. Red meats are forbidden for people diagnosed with heart diseases. These people end up consuming chicken but their options should not be so limited. Seafood is delicious and completely safe.
5. Omega-3 is the magical ingredient in seafood. Consuming this substance regularly improves the cognitive functions of people. Seafood becomes a brain booster. People who eat seafood regularly are less exposed to diseases like Alzheimer’s and other degenerative conditions.
Seafood is a great option for those trying to change their diets. Patients with high blood pressure are consuming more seafood nowadays. A specialist would recommend including seafood in any diet.
It is a delicious alternative for those who cannot consume red meat. Including seafood in your diet will give you all the nutrients necessary to stay healthy. It is better to consume natural vitamins in your food than to take supplements.
Alright, so what are the disadvantages of seafood? As it has many benefits, eating seafood would be a risk to your body. Do not panic. Eating the right seafood with the right amount will not cause anything to your body.
Alright, let’s have a look what are risks or side effects of eating seafood.
Disadvantages of Eating Seafood
1. Eating seafood is good for your health but it could be just the opposite. Due to the levels of pollution in the oceans, seafood is often contaminated. It could cause mild to severe poisoning. Not many people have a good experience eating it. So, you should be careful where to buy and eat seafood.
2. Seafood has high levels of mercury. This substance could stop the development of a baby. Pregnant women should be careful with the seafood they consume. They must be sure it is safe to eat.
On the other hand, some research concludes seafood is really good for pregnant women. The Omega-3 from seafood is a good source for your child’s brain growth.
So I would recommend you consult a doctor before having seafood while you are pregnant.
3. Seafood could cause extreme allergic reactions. If you are not sure that you are allergic to seafood or not, get tested first. Discovering you are allergic to seafood in the middle of dinner is not a good experience. Allergic reactions are dangerous, the person could stop breathing and die. Do not risk your life if you think you could be allergic.
4. Not all seafood is coming fresh from the water. Most of the seafood consumed by people in the restaurant comes from farms. Seafood from farms is highly contaminated and is dangerous for people’s health.
In some places people maintaining the seafood farm in a proper way which is not much harm your body.
Whatever it is, I strongly recommend you eating seafood which comes fresh from the sea.
5. Some types of fish are not really healthy. Fishes like the Tilapia do not have the omega-3 that makes other fishes good. Instead of it, tilapia has other substances that are rich in fat. So be careful about what you are going to eat. 99% of seafood is good but you should be aware of the rest 1%.
These are some of the risks, side effects, and disadvantages of eating seafood.
It may sound too risky but everyone should give it a try. Just to be safe, next time you want to try seafood, ask yourself some questions:
1. “How is my health?”
If you cannot consume red meat due to health issues, consider seafood. Fish is a generic option, incredibly tasty, and versatile. There are many recipes to cook fish that will surprise you. Here are some of the best Sri Lankan seafood recipes.
2. “Could I be allergic?”
This is probably the most important question. Do not risk your health. If you are not sure, visit a specialist before you approach seafood. It could be tempting but allergic reactions are not a game.
3. “Does it come from a safe source?”
Seafood could be contaminated. Before you spend a lot of money, consider if the source is reliable. Find a good supplier. Do not risk your health.
If it is safe and you are healthy, then go for it. Seafood is delicious and versatile. You could find it in many presentations. Next time you visit the bay area, visit a seafood restaurant and enjoy.
Hopefully, this blog gives you a good knowledge of the advantages and disadvantages of eating seafood. If you know any other advantages and disadvantages of eating seafood, mention that in the comment box below. Also, you can share this post with your family and friends by clicking the social share buttons below.
Visit my YouTube channel where you can find more delicious Sri Lankan recipes.
Good one